In the Milk of Facts, There Always Lands a Fly (2022)
In the Milk of Facts, There Always Lands a Fly
Solo Exhibition
Guido Molinari Foundation
Montreal, Canada
June 2 - August 21, 2022
The exhibition, In the Milk of Facts, There Always Lands a Fly, brings together works that stem from our interest in how we know what we think we know. This includes claims that are rooted in interspecies relations, assertions that may be distorted by ideology, or by political and private interests, as well as scientific theories which are based on facts that appear innocent of human intention.
Occupying the main gallery, Alternative Facts of the 21st Century is an ongoing collection of sketches for para-monuments to the post-truth era. The work consists of small ceramic sculptures that memorialize questionable “facts” that have emerged since the beginning of the new millennia, including rumours, misconceptions, lies, and conspiracies.
What We Know for Sure is a series of collages based on statistical data and mathematical forecast models that pursues our exploration of graphs and diagrams as forms of thought, and their relation to what may be considered as a true mode of knowing. Installed on the second floor, where they are placed in conversation with silkscreens by Guido Molinari, these works embrace the systematic and functional use of abstract representation in various fields of knowledge, and bring it in relation to formalist abstraction to consider what it might mean for artists to work with abstraction today.
Finally, What Birds Talk About When They Talk is a video animation that ventures into the stakes of interpreting languages very different from our own. Through a cross-cultural selection of references taken from mythology, science, cartoons, and literature, the piece brings together the historic and the contemporary to create a portrait of birds’ distinct voices and the fascination they have exercised on humans.
Works presented: Alternative Facts of the 21st Century; What We Know For Sure; What Birds Talk About When They Talk.
Photos: H&S and Guy L'Heureux.