SALTWATER: A Theory of Thought Forms
14th Istanbul Biennial
Istanbul, Turquie
Commissaire, Carolyn Christov-Bakargiev
5 septembre au 1er novembre 2015
La 14e biennale d'Istanbul SALTWATER : A Theory of Thought Forms, organisée par la Fondation d'Istanbul pour la culture et les arts (IKSV) a été conçue par Carolyn Christov-Bakargiev avec un certain nombre d'alliances et a présenté les œuvres d'art de plus de 80 participants d'Afrique, d'Asie, d'Australie, d'Europe, du Moyen-Orient, d'Amérique latine et d'Amérique du Nord.
Comprenant 36 sites sur les rives européennes et asiatiques du Bosphore, SALTWATER s'est déroulée dans des espaces d'exposition ainsi que dans des espaces d'habitation temporaires sur terre et sur mer, tels que des bateaux, des hôtels, d'anciennes banques, des garages, des jardins, des écoles, des magasins et des maisons privées.
Carolyn Christov-Bakargiev a déclaré : “This citywide exhibition on the Bosphorus hovers around a material-salt water-and the contrasting images of knots and of waves. It looks for where to draw the line, to withdraw, to draw upon, and to draw out. It does so offshore, on the flat surfaces of our devices with our fingertips, but also in the depths, underwater, before the enfolded encoding unfolds. It considers different frequencies and patterns of waves, the currents and densities of water, both visible and invisible that poetically and politically shape and transform the world. There are arrested movements that suspend time (the knots of human transport across seas and oceans, the knots of war, of labour, of ethnic cleansing) and there are repetitive and dispersive movements like waves (waves of uprisings, waves of ‘jouissance,’ electro-magnetic waves). There are literal waves of water, but also waves of people, of emotion and memory. It is through the identification of waves that we acknowledge patterns-underwater patterns of water, or patterns of wind. Perhaps a wave is simply time-the feeling of a difference between its high and low points able to mark the experience of time, and thus of space, and thus of life. With and through art, we mourn, commemorate, denounce, try to heal, and we commit ourselves to the possibility of joy and vitality, of many communities that have co-inhabited this space, leaping from form to flourishing life.”
Oeuvre présentée : The Prophets.
14th Istanbul Biennial, SALTWATER: A Theory of Thought Forms (2015)