The Flying Kayak, Off-Biennale Budapest (2017)
The Flying Kayak
2nd OFF-Biennale Budapest
MTA Konkoly Observatory
Budapest, Hungary
Curated by Eszter Lázár & Edina Nagy
30 September - 21 October, 2017

Presented at the Konkoly Observatory, this exhibition focuses on the relation between science and art, science and the economy, not just in those cases where artists apply scientific methods, but rather the artistic interpretations and elaborations of scientific and economic results.

How do artists interpret the results of the research concerning abstract (for most of us) astronomy, such as the study of dwarf planets' status, for instance? How has the problem - which most of us have been affected by - such as the spread of invasive species been dealt with by artists, and how does it become a starting point for an independent pedagogical initiative? How does a theme such as the phenomenon of the Alps, which have been considered as an idealized natural landscape, become an artist's observation, a remarkable example of the ambivalent relationship between man and his surroundings, of the consequences of human expropriation, and the manipulation of powers that intertwine the "untouched" landscape?

At the crossroads, there are the processes of understanding, the manipulation of knowledge, and the potential misuses of all operations. Artists remind us of the relative nature of science, the facts, and the truths as well while they offer their own interpretation models and alternative approaches.

Participating artists: Albert, Ádám; Cséfalvay, András; Gosztola, Kitti & Pálinkás, Bence & Hegedus, Fanni; Ibghy, Richard & Lemmens, Marilou ; Linke, Armin; Szörényi, Beatrix.

Works presented: Anthology of Performance Pieces for Animals and The Invisible Ocean.
Richard Ibghy & Marilou Lemmens
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